We Are Rivers



We Are Rivers

We Are Rivers

Directed by Graciela Cassel, ‘We are Rivers’ is a documentary short that showcases the importance that rivers have in our fragile ecosystem. 

With global warming and increasing pollution, rivers the world over have come under increasing threats. Decades of mismanagement in industries has brought the world to a precipice in regards to the survival of its systems that millions depend upon. As scientists and activists battle to save these highly important waterways for our future generations, documentary shorts such as ‘We are Rivers’ are necessary to apprise the public of what is going on at the ground. 

Capturing the stunning beauty of America’s East river in all of its glory, Graciela Cassel manages to get up close and personal with several individuals whose lives are impacted by this great river. From retirees just enjoying fishing to pass the time to scientists capturing important data through several aquatic species that live in this waterway, it is fascinating to see how the river manages to have a far reaching impact across demographics. Literally a cradle of life, the river manages to impact trade, bring people together and provide the necessary sustenance for various communities that depend upon it for survival.

The direction is on point and Cassel’s creative decision to intersperse interviews with rhythmic motions of ballet underscore the river’s soothing impact on the human unconscious. Whilst humans live and earn in noisy cities, they almost often seek out pieces of tranquility and peace to unwind. New York’s East river is one such outlet where people from all backgrounds come together to create, to unwind and to recalibrate themselves before they go out into their hectic lives once again. 

From a beautiful soundtrack to the mildly paced narrative, the documentary works well in its technical aspects. Cassel manages to take things slow, allowing the audience to really feel what each interview manages to say about his or her experience with the river. The half an hour film whizzes by in no time which is a testament to the perfect pacing that Cassel manages to achieve in this short film. 

Thus, ‘We are Rivers’ is a fascinating short that manages to impress in more ways than one. Graciela Cassel’s ode to rivers is beautiful, resonating and poignant as it allows us to celebrate these glorious natural systems whilst apprising us of the perils if we fail to protect them for future generations. We loved this documentary and will give it five stars out of five. 


Graciela Cassel
Cast: Gabriela Allen, Scott Allen, Debra Baratta, Alex Blair, Clarke Denis, Cody Ann Herrmann, George Resnov, Francisco Reyes, Frank Schwall, Michael Smith, Howard Sugarman, Robina Taliaferrow, Marcelo Troche, Kenny Williams, Karl Wills
Director of Photography: Oxana Onipko and Michael Eckels
Sound: Walder Martinez
Music: Aiert Erkoreka
Lauren Marie Jaeger
Voice Over:
Justin Myles Walker


Country: United States
Year: 2024
Language: English

We Are Rivers

Graciela Cassel, an Argentine-born artist based in New York, holds an MA from NYU and an MFA from the School of Visual Arts. Her installations have been featured in prestigious venues like Museo del Barrio and Sotheby’s. Cassel’s award-winning films have screened in over forty international festivals.

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We Are Rivers

We Are Rivers, directed by Graciela Cassel, is a documentary short that explores the vital role of rivers in our ecosystem. Through stunning visuals and interviews, the film highlights the impact of pollution and climate change on New York’s East River, urging the need for environmental protection.
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