Michelle Arthur’s

Michelle Arthur: Award-winning filmmaker known for “Fate’s Shadow” and “Rings of the Unpromised.” 142 wins.

A journey of creativity and filmmaking

Linda Rosenfeld was born in Russia in 1972 and lived in Moscow until 2003… Since then Linda has been living mostly abroad, implementing her creative ideas in various fields, i.e. art exhibitions, musical events, yoga and now filmmaking.  While living in Moscow she worked at a variety of top advertising agencies, such as McCann-Erickson, Twiga…. […]

Paul Brenno: A Cinematographer’s Resilient Journey Through the Lens of Life

In the sprawling landscape of North Dakota, a young Paul Brenno found his calling in the captivating world of film and video production. Born and raised in Minot, his journey has been marked by a profound love for storytelling, ignited during his early encounters with iconic movies like “Superman The Movie.” Growing up in the […]