Significance of Copyrights to Filmmakers

The sense of utmost satisfaction, tears of ecstasy, the nerve-wracking suspense, the spine-chilling horror and the haunting melancholy, all of which entice the movie enthusiasts is made solely possible due to a plethora of talent which include the producers, directors, screen writers, cinematographers, actors, art directors to name a few. This massive collaborative endeavor is […]
The Largest Film Festival in the world

Drawing over half a million visitors from around the globe each year ” The Berlinale” held annually in Berlin, Germany is the largest and one of the most prestigious Film festivals of the world. Both Film professionals and spectators from over 130 plus countries join this massive, diverse and enthralling experience held for eleven consecutive […]
The Evolution Of Cinema

Ever since its origin in the 1800s to present day, Cinema has come a long way through experimentation and innovations. Many new discoveries have shaped the Cinema Industry to what it is today. It all began with George Eastman’s invention of the first celluloid roll film, seeing the light of day in 1885 and subsequent […]
Most Anticipated Films of 2021

As we step into the new decade, a bunch of exciting movies lie ahead of us which include some that were scheduled to be released in 2020 but got disrupted when the pandemic struck. For starters, sequels of much loved franchises such as Mission impossible, Kingsman, Sherlock Holmes and James bond are to be on […]
Spielbergian’, ‘Tarantinoesque’ and ‘Kubrickian’ lead new film term entries into Oxford English Dictionary

“You know you’ve made quite an impression when you get added to the dictionary.” The Oxford English Dictionary has acknowledged the cultural impact of film makers such as David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino and Stanley Kubrick. In October 2018, The Oxford English Dictionary announced its latest update featuring over a hundred terms and phrases related to […]
Most successful Book-to-Film Adaptations of All Time

Creative ideas for movies can come from any place and throughout the history of movies, books have been a frequent cinematic inspiration. In fact, books are great fodder for films, because they already have established fan bases. Of the hundreds of movies based on books, here are some of the most successful book-to-film adaptations of […]
Elements of Stagecraft

Stagecraft is the technical aspect of theatrical, film and video production which include the elements such as scenic design, stage machinery, lighting, sound, costume design and makeup. In simple terms it refers to the combination of all elements that gives rise to a performance. These facets essentially bring the performance to life with the on-stage […]